Saturday, 5 January 2013

Juniper Routers with Qemu

Lately, I've been dealing trying to run Junipers routers in my laptop. After some attempts I could final sort out.

All the information to make it I got it from these posts:

In my case I am running and Ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS.

1. Qemu installation

First of all, the following dependencies must be installed prior the qemu package:


Second, get the qemu package and the olive patch.. For instance, you can download it from here:

I used the same version recommended in the gns3 blog. I would like to play with newer versions of qemu when I have a bit more time.

and install it in your computer:

tar xvzf qemu-0.11.0.tar.gz
cd qemu-0.11.0
patch -p1 -i qemu-0.11.0-olive.patch
./configure --target-list=i386-softmmu
sudo make install

2. Freebsd installation

To create a new virtual machine in qemu type the following command:

qemu-img create -f qcow2 olive-base.img 4GB

And launch the installation thourgh:

qemu -m 512 -hda olive-base.img -cdrom ./4.11-RELEASE-i386-miniinst.iso -enable-kvm

It begins the FreeBSD installation. Choose the following options:

- Skip kernel configuration
- Standard Installation
- In FDISK Partition Editor, press A to allocate the entire disk for FreeBSD and then Q to confirm.
- Install a Standard MBR and create the following partitions:

     ad0s1a / 1024M
     ad0s1b swap 1024M
     ad0s1e /config 12M
     ad0s1f /var rest

-  “User” distribution type and answer no for the question “Would you like to install the FreeBSD ports collection?”.
- install from a FreeBSD CD/DVD
- Once the files are copied, the installer program will ask you many user confirmation questions. Answer no to all of them.

3. Junos installation

For getting Junos running you will have to get a copy of a junos olive image. Once you have it, you can proceeed as it follows:

qemu-system-i386 -m 1024M -boot c -net nic,macaddr=00:aa:00:60:01:01,model=e1000 -hda olive-base3.img -enable-kvm -net user -serial telnet:,server
QEMU waiting for connection on: telnet:,server

Check you get an IP address by dhcp:

dhclient em0
netstat -r

Copy the olive image from your pc to the freebsd virtual mahchine:

scp user@ /var/tmp

mkdir ./jinst-signed
cd jinst-signed
tar zxvf ../jinstall-8.5R1.14-domestic-signed.tgz

Remove or rename the sig and md5 files:

rm *.sig *.sha1 *.md5

mkdir ./jinst
cd jinst
tar zxvf ../jinstall-8.5R1.14-domestic.tgz

mkdir ./pkgtools
cd pkgtools
tar zxvf ../pkgtools.tgz
cd ./bin
cp /hvar7tmp/true ./checkpic
cd ..

tar zcvf ../pkgtools.tgz *
cd ..
rm -rf pkgtools

tar zcfv /var/tmp/jinstall-8.5R1.14-domestic-olive.tgz *

And finally install the junos package with the following command:

pkg_add -f /var/tmp/jinstall-8.5R1.14-domestic-olive.tgz

Once the installation is finished the system will reboot.

4. Running the router

Create a new image off of your base image. You can repeat it for all your routers you want to emulate:

qemu-img create -b olive-base.img -f qcow2 R1.img

qemu R1.img -m 96 -nographic -daemonize -serial telnet::2001,server,nowait \ -localtime -net nic,vlan=1,macaddr=00:aa:00:60:01:01,model=e1000 \ -net udp,vlan=10,sport=10000,dport=10001,daddr=

For a second router, we repeat the same commands

qemu R2.img -m 96 -nographic -daemonize -serial telnet::2002,server,nowait \ -localtime -net nic,vlan=10,macaddr=00:aa:00:60:11:02,model=e1000 -net udp,vlan=10,sport=10001,dport=10000,daddr=

Once the routers runnig you can configure an interface on both in the same network and test that ping works correctly!!

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